louis Newbie
Joined: 18 April 2011 Location: United States
Online Status: Offline Posts: 7
Posted: 29 May 2011 at 9:36pm | IP Logged
I am trying to login as a new user. In the UI, the user gets the "There was an error while creating account" error message. In the logs, it shows that the user's account is being deleted after the LSUB command completes. Can you shed any light on what is going on here?
This is in IMAP mode. Other accounts create fine for other domains in IMAP mode -- other accounts for this domain won't create in IMAP mode either. I have checked the Folders to make sure there are not any characters in the folder names that shouldn't be allowed.
Here is the full log for the login attempt (WebMail Lite PHP):
[29/05/2011][22:46:44.750] INFORMATION:
> [POST(1)] /processing.php
> ver.5.1.8 [SERVER-IP:---------------][USER-IP:--------------]
> PHP-5.2.13, Apache/2.2
[22:46:44.751] <<<[client_xml]<<<
<?_xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><webmail><param name="action" value="login" /><param name="request" value="" /><param name="email"><![CDATA[------------------]]></param><param name="mail_inc_login"><![CDATA[mailadm]]></param><param name="mail_inc_pass"><![CDATA[---------------]]></param><param name="mail_inc_host"><![CDATA[localhost]]></param><param name="mail_inc_port" value="110"/><param name="mail_protocol" value="0"/><param name="mail_out_host"><![CDATA[localhost]]></param><param name="mail_out_port" value="25"/><param name="mail_out_auth" value="0"/><param name="sign_me" value="0"/><param name="language"><![CDATA[]]></param><param name="advanced_login" value="0"/></webmail>
[22:46:44.760] :: connection time -> 0.0046999454498291
[22:46:44.762] Do: CProcessingSwitch->DoLogin
[22:46:44.764] MySQL Query: SELECT id_acct, id_user, mail_inc_pass, def_acct, mail_inc_login, deleted
FROM awm_accounts
WHERE email = '-------------' AND def_acct = 1 AND mailing_list = 0
[22:46:44.765] MySQL Query: SELECT id_domain, name, mail_protocol, mail_inc_host, mail_inc_port,
mail_out_host, mail_out_port, mail_out_auth, is_internal, global_addr_book, save_mail
FROM awm_domains
WHERE name = '------------------'
[22:46:44.766] IMAP4 : start connect to -------------------.com:143
[22:46:44.849] IMAP4 < * OK --------------.com IMAP Server ready\r\n
[22:46:44.850] IMAP4 > LGN2936 LOGIN "------------------" "---------------"
[22:46:44.885] IMAP4 < LGN2936 OK LOGIN completed\r\n
[22:46:44.885] MySQL Query: INSERT INTO a_users (deleted) VALUES (0)
[22:46:44.887] MySQL Query: INSERT INTO awm_settings (id_user, msgs_per_page, white_listing, x_spam, last_login,
&n bsp; logins_count, def_skin, def_lang, def_charset_inc, def_charset_out,
&n bsp; def_timezone, def_date_fmt, hide_folders, mailbox_limit, allow_change_settings,
&n bsp; allow_dhtml_editor, allow_direct_mode, hide_contacts, db_charset,
&n bsp; horiz_resizer, vert_resizer, mark, reply, contacts_per_page, view_mode,
&n bsp; question_1, answer_1, question_2, answer_2, auto_checkmail_interval, enable_fnbl_sync)
VALUES(9, 20, 0, 0, '2011-05-29 22:46:44', 0, 'AfterLogic', 'English', 0, 0, 0, 'Default',
&n bsp; 0, 102400000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 65001, 150, 115, 0, 0, 20, 1, '', '', '', '', 0, 0)
[22:46:44.888] MySQL Query: SELECT id_acct, id_user, mail_inc_pass, def_acct, deleted
FROM awm_accounts
WHERE email = '-----------------' AND mailing_list = 0 AND mail_inc_login = '---------------------' AND def_acct = 1
[22:46:44.890] MySQL Query: INSERT INTO awm_accounts (id_user, id_domain, def_acct, deleted, email, mail_protocol,
&n bsp; mail_inc_host, mail_inc_login, mail_inc_pass, mail_inc_port, mail_out_host,
&n bsp; mail_out_login, mail_out_pass, mail_out_port, mail_out_auth, friendly_nm,
&n bsp; use_friendly_nm, def_order, getmail_at_login, mail_mode, mails_on_server_days,
&n bsp; signature, signature_type, signature_opt, delimiter, imap_quota, personal_namespace)
VALUES (9, 2, 1, 0, '-----------------', 1, '----------------', '---------------', '70031d42404445', 143, '---------------', '', '', 25, 1, '', 1, 0, 1, 1, 7,
&n bsp; '', 1, 0, '/', 0, '')
[22:46:44.891] INI_SET: memory_limit/set_time_limit = 200M/3000
[22:46:44.892] IMAP4 > LST5450 LIST "" *
[22:46:44.926] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "Inbox" \r\n
[22:46:44.927] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "Spam" \r\n
[22:46:44.927] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "Outbox" \r\n
[22:46:44.928] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "Sent Items" \r\n
[22:46:44.929] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "Deleted Items" \r\n
[22:46:44.930] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "dhfnfn D" \r\n
[22:46:44.930] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "fnfgnf" \r\n
[22:46:44.931] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "nrnyrnm" \r\n
[22:46:44.932] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "wayne" \r\n
[22:46:44.932] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "rnrtnr" \r\n
[22:46:44.933] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "rnrtn5" \r\n
[22:46:44.934] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "BG" \r\n
[22:46:44.935] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "Ann" \r\n
[22:46:44.936] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "n5nyny" \r\n
[22:46:44.937] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "dntnyny" \r\n
[22:46:44.938] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "etrbrbrb" \r\n
[22:46:44.938] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "O brtr b" \r\n
[22:46:44.939] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "srebet" \r\n
[22:46:44.940] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "FGH" \r\n
[22:46:44.941] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "DER" \r\n
[22:46:44.942] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "btbetbt" \r\n
[22:46:44.943] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "Steve" \r\n
[22:46:44.943] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "Drafts" \r\n
[22:46:44.944] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "svrvrbv" \r\n
[22:46:44.945] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "contracts" \r\n
[22:46:44.945] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "rverbe" \r\n
[22:46:44.946] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "btbetbt/Lit" \r\n
[22:46:44.947] IMAP4 < * LIST () "/" "svdsve" \r\n
[22:46:44.948] IMAP4 < LST5450 OK LIST Completed\r\n
[22:46:44.949] IMAP4 > LST8189 LSUB "" *
[22:46:44.982] IMAP4 < * LSUB () "/" "Inbox" \r\n
[22:46:44.983] IMAP4 < LST8189 OK LSUB Completed\r\n
[22:46:44.985] MySQL Query: SELECT COUNT(t1.id_acct) AS count, t1.id_user AS id_user
FROM awm_accounts AS t1
INNER JOIN awm_accounts AS t2 ON t1.id_user = t2.id_user
WHERE t1.id_acct = 9 AND t1.mailing_list = 0
GROUP BY t1.id_user
[22:46:44.987] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_accounts WHERE id_acct = 9
[22:46:44.988] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_messages WHERE id_acct = 9
[22:46:44.989] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_messages_body WHERE id_acct = 9
[22:46:44.990] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_filters WHERE id_acct = 9
[22:46:44.990] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_reads WHERE id_acct = 9
[22:46:44.991] MySQL Query: DELETE awm_folders_tree
FROM awm_folders, awm_folders_tree
WHERE awm_folders.id_folder = awm_folders_tree.id_folder
AND awm_folders.id_acct = 9
[22:46:44.992] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_folders WHERE id_acct = 9
[22:46:44.993] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_addr_book WHERE id_user = 9
[22:46:44.994] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_settings WHERE id_user = 9
[22:46:44.995] MySQL Query: DELETE awm_addr_groups_contacts
FROM awm_addr_groups_contacts, awm_addr_groups
WHERE awm_addr_groups_contacts.id_group = awm_addr_groups.id_group
AND awm_addr_groups.id_user = 9
[22:46:44.996] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_addr_groups WHERE id_user = 9
[22:46:44.997] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_columns WHERE id_user = 9
[22:46:44.998] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_senders WHERE id_user = 9
[22:46:44.999] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM a_users WHERE id_user = 9
[22:46:45.0] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM awm_settings WHERE id_user = 9
[22:46:45.1] MySQL Query: DELETE FROM a_users WHERE id_user = 9
[22:46:45.2] IMAP4 > LGT5464 LOGOUT
[22:46:45.35] IMAP4 < * BYE IMAP4rev1 Server logging out\r\n
[22:46:45.36] IMAP4 < LGT5464 OK LOGOUT completed\r\n
[22:46:45.37] >>>[server_xml]>>>
<?_xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><webmail><error><![CDATA[There was an error while creating account]]></error></webmail>