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romanovi4 Newbie

Joined: 13 April 2022 Location: Germany
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Posted: 13 April 2022 at 1:13am | IP Logged
i use MailBee.Net Imap to access the Emails on Exchange/Office365-Server. The login command throws an exception: MBN00000002 NO AUTHENTICATE failed.
My code:
string xoauthKey = OAuth2.GetXOAuthKeyStatic(null, authResult.AccessToken);
await tmpMailBeeImap.LoginAsync(email, xoauthKey, AuthenticationMethods.SaslOAuth2, AuthenticationOptions.None, null);
Log entries:
[10:05:14.70] [SEND] MBN00000001 CAPABILITY\r\n
[10:05:14.72] [RECV] MBN00000001 OK CAPABILITY completed.\r\n [Total 38 bytes received.]
[10:05:14.73] [INFO] Connected to mail service at host "" on port 993 and ready.
[10:05:14.74] [INFO] Will login as "".
[10:05:14.74] [INFO] Will try SASL XOAUTH2 authentication method.
[10:05:14.75] [SEND] MBN00000002 AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH2\r\n
[10:05:14.78] [RECV] + \r\n [Total 4 bytes received.]
[10:05:14.79] [SEND] dXNlcGRDMk9yMHFRbmcBAQ==\r\n
[10:05:16.24] [RECV] MBN00000002 NO AUTHENTICATE failed.\r\n [Total 37 bytes received.]
[10:05:16.32] [INFO] Error: The server has rejected authentication data sent by the client. The server responded: MBN00000002 NO AUTHENTICATE failed.
What is wrong in my code.
The Mailbee.EWS works with OAUth2 fine.
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Alex AfterLogic Support

Joined: 19 November 2003
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Posted: 13 April 2022 at 1:25am | IP Logged
Access tokens can be specific to a particular protocol. EWS-compatible token may not work for IMAP or vice versa. And you'll need to have the corresponding permissions enabled in your OAuth2 app in Azure.
See OAuth 2.0 for Office 365 Accounts guide for details.
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romanovi4 Newbie

Joined: 13 April 2022 Location: Germany
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Posted: 13 April 2022 at 5:41am | IP Logged
thank you for answer. The example works well in interactive way. But i need the implementation for a windows service without interaction with an user.
My code to get a access token:
var cca = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
var ewsScopes = new string[] { "" };
authResult = await cca.AcquireTokenForClient(ewsScopes).ExecuteAsync();
then imap connect and login.
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Igor AfterLogic Support

Joined: 24 June 2008 Location: United States
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Posted: 13 April 2022 at 6:02am | IP Logged
Microsoft doesn't currently allow that:
Authenticate an IMAP, POP or SMTP connection using OAuth
OAuth access to IMAP, POP, SMTP AUTH protocols via OAuth2 client credentials grant flow is not supported. |
However, you should be able to use either EWS or Graph API for accessing mailbox, see the respective articles in MailBee.NET Objects Developer's blog:
Using MailBee.NET EWS to access Office 365 mailbox in non-interactive case
Using Graph API to access Office 365 mailbox in non-interactive case
Igor, Afterlogic Support
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romanovi4 Newbie

Joined: 13 April 2022 Location: Germany
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Posted: 09 August 2022 at 2:21am | IP Logged
Microsoft supported now the client credentials flow for IMAP. Is this feature already supported in actually MailBee or should i wait for new release?
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Alex AfterLogic Support

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Posted: 09 August 2022 at 2:30am | IP Logged
It's supported automatically because MailBee does not deal with generating tokens at all. It only consumes them. You create a token with a provider-specific API and feed it to MailBee. So if the provider-specific API now allows you to get the token in a new way, you can adapt your code which gets the token. The rest (when you pass this token to MailBee) stays the same.
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romanovi4 Newbie

Joined: 13 April 2022 Location: Germany
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Posted: 31 August 2022 at 2:41am | IP Logged
the authentication on Office365 via OAuth2 using the client credentials flow works.
But a MessageStatus-event does not come from the server when a new email arrives in the mailbox. Idling event is thrown regularly. Only when idling stopped then throws the MessageStatus-Events. As if event is being blocked by something....
What can it be?
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Alex AfterLogic Support

Joined: 19 November 2003
Online Status: Offline Posts: 2207
Posted: 31 August 2022 at 3:23am | IP Logged
Hard to say what could go wrong there but after some googling I can say you're not alone with IDLE problem there. I've seen reports it stopped working recently.
E.g. (last post in this topic says it stopped working this month):
That's all I can say now.
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phlexss Newbie

Joined: 05 September 2022 Location: Netherlands
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Posted: 06 September 2022 at 12:03am | IP Logged
romanovi4 wrote:
the authentication on Office365 via OAuth2 using the client credentials flow works.
But a MessageStatus-event does not come from the server when a new email arrives in the mailbox. Idling event is thrown regularly. Only when idling stopped then throws the MessageStatus-Events. As if event is being blocked by something....
What can it be? |
How did you get credentials flow to work? What code do you use?
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romanovi4 Newbie

Joined: 13 April 2022 Location: Germany
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Posted: 12 September 2022 at 2:42am | IP Logged
In Windows form application on button click i start the task and in the task i run the following code:
private void StartIdle()
this.isActive = true;
Task.Run(async () => {
MailBee.Global.LicenseKey = MailBeeGlobalLicenseKey;
this.mailBeeImapIdle = new MailBee.ImapMail.Imap();
this.mailBeeImapIdle.Connected += MailBeeImapIdle_Connected;
this.mailBeeImapIdle.Disconnected += MailBeeImapIdle_Disconnected;
await this.mailBeeImapIdle.ConnectAsync("", 993);
if (this.mailBeeImapIdle.GetExtension("IDLE") == null)
if (this.cca == null)
this.cca = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
string accessToken = this.GetToken();
string xoauthKey = OAuth2.GetXOAuthKeyStatic(this.txtEmailAddress.Text, accessToken);
await this.mailBeeImapIdle.LoginAsync(null, xoauthKey, AuthenticationMethods.SaslOAuth2, AuthenticationOptions.None, null);
this.mailBeeImapIdle.Idling += MailBeeImapIdle_Idling;
this.mailBeeImapIdle.MessageStatus += MailBeeImapIdle_MessageStatus;
while (this.isActive)
MailBee.ImapMail.UidCollection uids = (MailBee.ImapMail.UidCollection)await this.mailBeeImapIdle.SearchAsync(true, "unseen", null);
if (uids.Count > 0)
MailBee.Mime.MailMessageCollection msgs = await this.mailBeeImapIdle.DownloadEntireMessagesAsync(uids.ToString(), true);
foreach (MailBee.Mime.MailMessage msg in msgs)
this.mailBeeImapIdle .SetMessageFlags(msg.UidOnServer.ToString(), true, MailBee.ImapMail.SystemMessageFlags.Seen, MailBee.ImapMail.MessageFlagAction.Add);
await this.mailBeeImapIdle.IdleAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
await this.StopIdleAsync();
private string GetToken()
var authResult = this.cca.AcquireTokenForClient(ewsScopes).ExecuteAsync().Result;
return authResult.AccessToken;
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