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Alex Shloma

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Posted: 28 December 2017 at 1:24am | IP Logged Quote Alex Shloma

My SMTP server receives the following email address in RCPT TO command from Exchange Online:

    RCPT TO:<"">

When email is processed I send it to another smart host using RelayFromEmlFile (string,string,string) method with "" string for the 3rd parameter (use value from RCPT TO command).

Delivery fails with the "Invalid recipient address". I looked at SMTP log of MailBee component and found the following lines, that explain why server rejects recipient:

    RCPT TO:<>
    501 #5.1.1 bad address

So, MailBee component parses email address incorrectly.

As a workaround I used combination of RelayFromEmlFile(string, string, EmailAddressCollection) method and EmailAddress(string, null, null) constructor.

But would like to hear what MailBee team has to say about the issue.

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Posted: 28 December 2017 at 1:44am | IP Logged Quote Alex


Indeed, MailBee.NET doesn't support that complex email addresses (containing other email addresses in local part). It's not rather a bug (when something works not the way it was intended by the author) but a limitation (as it was never intended to handle such specific cases). MailBee treats expressions in quotes as display name. Although in some rare cases (like this one), it's wrong, in majority of cases this helps to avoid inclusion of a display name into an email address.

So, assuming you have a workaround, I would leave it as-is.

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Alex Shloma

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Posted: 28 December 2017 at 3:03am | IP Logged Quote Alex Shloma

Understand that it is by design.

But the thing is that design is not according to RFC. As a result users get several NDRs a day and actually have no way to reply to emails if list of recipients contain email address of aforementioned format.

According to rfc2822 3.4.1. Addr-spec specification local-part may be a quoted-string. So "" have valid syntax.

Also, according to 3.4. Address Specification if address contains optional display-name, then addr-spec is enclosed in angle brackets.

So, "" must not be interpreted as display-name as there are no addr-spec in angle brackets.
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Posted: 28 December 2017 at 3:50am | IP Logged Quote Alex

Yeah, that's right. It would be great if we lived in a perfect world where all mails are composed in strict accordance to RFCs.

In real life, it't not uncommon to get something like "First last" (note that angle brackets are missing), etc.

There is nothing we can do about this. It's just the way it is.

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Alex Shloma

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Posted: 02 January 2018 at 2:51am | IP Logged Quote Alex Shloma


Thanks for the reply.

In my initial post I said that I had found a workaround for scenario when RelayFromEmlFile method is used.

However, I have another part of logic that does NOT use RelayFromEmlFile method. It uses the following methods instead:
  • AddJob(string tag, string msgFilename, bool preferXSenderXReceiver, string senderEmail, EmailAddressCollection recipients)
  • SeendJobs()

In this scenario the aforementioned workaround does not help:

var recipients = new EmailAddressCollection();
recipients.Add(new EmailAddress("\"first.last@domain\"@domain"), null, null);
mb.AddJob(tag, filePath, false, mailFrom, recipients);

because MailBee component fails to parse domain and throws the following exception: DNS cache states the domain domain"@domain does not exist. It means MailBee component consider everything after the first @ character to be domain.

So, now I have situation when (1) customers are getting angry because they cannot replay to emails with the "local@domain"@domain addresses (they get NDRs, because MailBee cannot handle such addresses); (2) you telling me, that this is not a bug.

Mail systems and smart hosts (like Exchange, IronPort) support quoted strings in local-part!

Unfortunately, I cannot fix this issue for my customers w/o changes in MailBee component (other than searching for another component). So I have to ask you to consider changing either:
  • email address parsing algorithm to support quoted strings in local-part;
  • or at least update piece of code that gets local and/or domain parts from email address, so that it uses the last @ symbol (not first as it does now).

If you implement 2nd item from the list, I will be able to use workaround with new EmailAddress("\"first.last@domain\"@domain"), null, null) method.

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Posted: 02 January 2018 at 5:57am | IP Logged Quote Alex


Ok, try this

It should add support for quoted strings in email addresses and still not break "friendly name" email@address which we encounter from time to time.

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Alex Shloma

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Posted: 03 January 2018 at 12:40am | IP Logged Quote Alex Shloma

Hi, thanks a lot.

I tested new DLL. Here are my results with the "first.last@domain"@domain address in the list of recipients:
  • RelayFromEmlFile(string, string, string). Method works fine.
    Entire address with quoted string in local-part is used in RCPT TO command (RCPT TO: <"first.last@domain"@domain>).
  • AddJob, SendJobs with MX lookup. This scenario still does not work, because domain and local-part are parsed incorrectly for addresses with quoted strings in local-part. You can easily check it by calling EmailAddress.GetDomain and EmailAddress.GetAccountName methods (they return domain"@domain and "first.last, respectively).

Here is part of SMTP log to demonstrate the issue:

New pending job to send e-mail(s). Tag="58", Rows="0".
Processing of pending jobs started.
Processing of a pending job started. Tag="58", Rows="0".
All pending jobs have been put into processing.
Will send mail message.
Will send mail message using MX lookup. Failed recipients not allowed.
Will retrieve MX records for every recipient domain.
Will make DNS query to DNS server at regarding host "domain"@domain".
Creating DNS query about host "domain"@domain".
Sending query to DNS server at "".
Parsing a response that was received from DNS server.
Warning: DNS server replied queried host name was unknown. DnsResponseCode: NameError, HostName DNS server was queried about: "domain"@domain", Base64 encoded response data: AAGBgwABAAAAAAAAEGRvbWFpbjEiQGRvbWFpbjIAAA8AAQ== (trailing zero bytes truncated).

Can you also update GetDomain and GetAccountName methods to support quoted strings. I assume in this case AddJob, SeendJobs methods will be able to deliver to deliver emails using MX lookup.

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Posted: 03 January 2018 at 2:52am | IP Logged Quote Alex


Ok, next update

This may affect handling of account@domain@realdomain addresses but, as I said before, it may not be possible to support everything because some patterns contradict with others. For instance, account@domain@realdomain is not RFC-compliant address but it was sometimes used to send email to fax.

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Alex Shloma

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Posted: 04 January 2018 at 2:20am | IP Logged Quote Alex Shloma

Thanks, initial testing relieved no issues.

Will these changes be included in the next official release? What the scheduler is? Want to include fully QAed component.
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Posted: 04 January 2018 at 2:33am | IP Logged Quote Alex

They will be included eventually (in case no other customers start complaining about them). Most likely, in 2018 Q2.

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Alex Shloma

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Posted: 13 February 2018 at 2:06am | IP Logged Quote Alex Shloma


One more question here. I noticed that whenever I request the latest stable version you always share the following link

The same with the build that was provided to fix the issue described in this thread. That build was a hotfix w/o full regression testing. You said that code change will be included in 2018 Q2.

So I have questions now:
  1. Does it mean that I have been always given build, that was not fully QAed?
  2. Do all official releases of MailBee component go through QA?
  3. If answer to the previous question is "yes", then how to download the latest official QA-approved build (taking into account that link that I was given before may lead to not official build)?

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Posted: 13 February 2018 at 2:20am | IP Logged Quote Alex


The latest official QAed build is included in the installation package or published on Nuget (and not marked pre-release). is considered beta but QA is still in place. Some things, however, could not be covered by QA (like the change discussed in this thread) so extra feedback from customers needed.

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Alex Shloma

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Posted: 13 February 2018 at 3:08am | IP Logged Quote Alex Shloma


That was helpful.

So the latest stable build is Can I get complete list of all changes included in (except the one made for me) comparing to so that I can make a decision on whether it is safe to include in my project.

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Posted: 13 February 2018 at 5:03am | IP Logged Quote Alex

Other fixes were:
- Entire certificate chain (not just the sender's cert) is now added in the signature when the message is signed with S/MIME
- DKIM signing fix (header list for signing is now populated more correctly)

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