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Agni Newbie

Joined: 06 October 2017 Location: United Kingdom
Online Status: Offline Posts: 1
Posted: 06 October 2017 at 11:15am | IP Logged
I am using the RetrieveSingleMessage method so that I can download the attachments. That is working fine.
However, after using the method, the email is not available to download, using, for example:
I am using the POP3 to access our company gmail account. In Gmail, Settings, I have the POP setting enabled as: Keep 'Our company' Mail's copy in the Inbox.
However, after RetrieveSingleMessage(x) it is not shown later in the collection if I use RetrieveHeaders. Yet, the email is still there in Gmail. Odd
Any ideas
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Alex AfterLogic Support

Joined: 19 November 2003
Online Status: Offline Posts: 2207
Posted: 06 October 2017 at 12:55pm | IP Logged
Honestly saying, Gmail's POP3 is so weird (and they change its behavior from time to time) that it's often easier to try IMAP instead.
If you still need POP3 for some reason, you can try different options in your settings. For instance, "Mark Gmail's copy as read". Their option names are confusing so I wouldn't bet on the idea "Keep Our company' Mail's copy in inbox" means "leave it in POP3 inbox". It could mean "leave it in inbox which you see over the web only".
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