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 AfterLogic Forum : MailBee.NET IMAP
Subject Topic: IDLE Messege Delete event from gmail Post ReplyPost New Topic
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Posted: 14 May 2015 at 4:37am | IP Logged Quote NEWskin

I have IDLE running, when I delete message in Gmail (it moves to trash) I recive "EXPUNGE" == e.StatusID status in IDLE. Also I get e.MessageCountOrIndex which in my case is index. I save them on my list, to process after.
When I stop Idle From previously saved list <status, index> I download Envelopes by index from "Inbox" folder, to check flags.
This way I can check //Seen flag, and make changes to my data.

But the problem is that I can't get Deleted messages by knowing <status, index> parameters. Index does not tell where massage is located (in winch folder).I tried to change folder to "Trash" that also didn't helped.

Is there a way at IDLE receive more information about message?
May be there is another approach to get message status changes?

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Posted: 14 May 2015 at 5:36am | IP Logged Quote Igor

Is my understanding correct that you have an application which runs IDLE, and another application which actually deletes the messages? In terms of IMAP, it's not possible to track message once it leaves one folder and moves into the other one (unless you use MoveMessage in that same application which renders IDLE useless). There's a couple of suggestions here, though: if the message retains Deleted flag upon moving to Trash, you can run IMAP search looking for that flag in Trash folder. Or, you could simply run 2 threads monitoring Inbox and Trash via IDLE - that still won't allow for locating matching messages between the folders but you could have them both synced with your local list.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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