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AfterLogic WebMail Pro

 AfterLogic Forum : AfterLogic WebMail Pro
Subject Topic: What webmail should I use? Post ReplyPost New Topic
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Joined: 27 February 2025
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Posted: 27 February 2025 at 7:09pm | IP Logged Quote AlfredaWeimann

Hello there, I am a beginner and trying to host my own mail server and now i ran into the rabbit hole of choosing the webmail, I see many options yet none of them are clear when it comes to security and safety, What do you use and what tips would you give me?
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Posted: 28 February 2025 at 6:23am | IP Logged Quote Igor

While there are indeed quite a few webmail solutions you can choose from, we can only speak of WebMail Pro PHP which is one of our flagship products. First of all, we do take security very seriously, and if we're informed of a vulnerability, those are investigated on a top priority basis; if the security issue is confirmed, we release a fix for it and include it in the next version; on a case-to-case basis, we can also provide a hotfix if the issue may be critical for the customer.

Considering the above, it's a good idea to stay on the latest version and upgrade when the new release is available. We do send newsletters on major releases, and you can subscribe to our social feeds ( / Facebook) where we post news more often. As long as you have a license and your maintenance contract is valid, you stay entitled to product updates and technical support. All the important changes are reflected in the changelog which is available online, too.

It's important to understand that webmail application does not operate in a vacuum but in web environment where all of the components need to be properly taken care of in terms of security, configured correctly, updated and backed up regularly. For example, webmail solution itself can be highly secure, but if you don't use https access or, in case of a remote mailserver, SSL-enabled IMAP and SMTP protocols, you're still taking a substantial risk.

Admin interface of WebMail Pro offers suggestions on data safety - for example, if you don't have admin password set yet, you'll be reminded to do so; and if your webserver isn't configured to protect data directory from access over the web, that will be indicated as well. There's a separate security-related section in the documentation, and protecting data directory is the cornerstone there.

Webmail interface itself offers a large number of features focused on security and safety, including but not limited to:

Of course, WebMail Pro is available for a free full-featured 30-day trial download so you can try it out and see if it meets your requirements, prior to purchasing a license. Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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