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Posted: 11 September 2014 at 3:44pm | IP Logged Quote mesca

1) Default identity. My IMAP account is fed by a fetchmail daemon. I don't want to reply or compose a new message with this account but use an identity. It is too easy to forget to select the identity each time I send a new email. A default identity would be the perfect solution.

2) Correct identity on "quick reply". The "quick reply" uses the default email address, not the identity associated with the TO or CC header. The "full reply" works as expected.

3) Keyboard shortcuts that work on Mac OS X. Mac users don't have a SUPPR key for instance, and use the BACKSPACE key instead.

4) Option to search in all directories, not just the current one.

5) Plain text composing option for each message, and default setting (plain text or rich text) configurable.

6) Auto BCC.
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Posted: 12 September 2014 at 2:34am | IP Logged Quote Igor

1) Default identity. My IMAP account is fed by a fetchmail daemon. I don't want to reply or compose a new message with this account but use an identity. It is too easy to forget to select the identity each time I send a new email. A default identity would be the perfect solution.

We're considering adding this in future versions indeed.

2) Correct identity on "quick reply". The "quick reply" uses the default email address, not the identity associated with the TO or CC header. The "full reply" works as expected.

That's definitely a bug, and I've asked the developers to look into this.

3) Keyboard shortcuts that work on Mac OS X. Mac users don't have a SUPPR key for instance, and use the BACKSPACE key instead.

As far as we can tell, you should be able to use the shortcuts with cmd key. Doesn't that work for you?

4) Option to search in all directories, not just the current one.

Unfortunately, searching in current folder only is IMAP limitation. The only way to bypass it is to run search in every folder and merge search results, which most likely is going to be very slow.

5) Plain text composing option for each message, and default setting (plain text or rich text) configurable.

6) Auto BCC.

According to product management, those features might be really confusing for many users. Thus we don't plan to implement those in the near future.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 12 September 2014 at 5:48am | IP Logged Quote mesca

As far as we can tell, you should be able to use the shortcuts with cmd key. Doesn't that work for you?

The CTRL key works, but there is no DELETE key on a mac keyboard (to delete a message).

Unfortunately, searching in current folder only is IMAP limitation. The only way to bypass it is to run search in every folder and merge search results, which most likely is going to be very slow.

I know the search is performed via IMAP, but why not sending multiple IMAP search commands on all folders (if the option is checked in the advanced search form)? There is a Solr plugin for Dovecot, if used, it would not be that slow.

6) Auto BCC.

According to product management, those features might be really confusing for many users.

Maybe it would then be possible to extend the "Save replied messages to the current folder" option to new sent messages and not only to replies?
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Posted: 12 September 2014 at 6:46am | IP Logged Quote Igor

The CTRL key works, but there is no DELETE key on a mac keyboard (to delete a message).

On mac keyboard we have here, there is Delete key yet it doesn't work that way. Still, deleting messages using toolbar controls remains the primary way of doing that, we don't plan on adding alternative shortcuts.

I know the search is performed via IMAP, but why not sending multiple IMAP search commands on all folders (if the option is checked in the advanced search form)? There is a Solr plugin for Dovecot, if used, it would not be that slow.

It's possible to get search results that way, the problem is about merging those in a single list, and especially handling that list - for example, deleting mails listed there will take multiple separate IMAP requests compared to doing that for search results in a single folder.

Maybe it would then be possible to extend the "Save replied messages to the current folder" option to new sent messages and not only to replies?

Maybe, but it raises another question - are we removing Sent folder in that case, as looks like it won't be used at all? And at the moment, we're not ready to determine whether it's going to be feasible.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 17 September 2014 at 8:34am | IP Logged Quote robertboyl

If you agree there could be a simple tasks/to do in webmail pro PHP, pls vote here:

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Posted: 19 September 2014 at 10:32am | IP Logged Quote robertboyl

On my last request, glad to have received a fast reply in the uservoice system saying we will have tasks/to do list in Webmail pro next year !! :)

One more feature request.

Understand ICS files (event invitations) and let users invite other users to events/meetings.

If you agree, pls vote here:

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Posted: 19 September 2014 at 11:44am | IP Logged Quote Alex

Welcome to AfterLogic Aurora :) It does support event invitations and other groupware functionality.

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Posted: 19 September 2014 at 2:25pm | IP Logged Quote robertboyl

Hi, Alex

I do consider aurora for the future, but for now, due to some internal issues, we use another software for the more advanced groupware.

I still think Webmail pro could just let users invite people to meetings and auto add events received via ICS file, because IMHO its not just a business feature and other webmails have it. You could leave more advanced features like free/busy to Aurora :)

Anyways, cant complain, you guys have been great at accepting feature requests and always adding features. Afterlogic imho is the most complete webmail solution of its kind, with identities, external account support, so much, but I keep my request on this one also.

Thank you.
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Posted: 19 September 2014 at 2:56pm | IP Logged Quote robertboyl

I came back to say that, I was testing and found I can save the ICS and then import it, but most users wouldnt know how and that they can to do that unless instructed (have to click on down arrow in calendar to import ICS). So maybe wouldnt hurt to automate it or some warning when theres an ICS "you can save this file and import into calendar", would be enough :))

If that is done, IMHO all that would be missing is to let the poor souls be able to invite people to meetings :) Pls consider.

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Posted: 09 October 2014 at 1:44pm | IP Logged Quote raptwa

I have some suggestions for the "file storage" part:

- selection of different views (list, details, thumbs, ....)
- moving files or folders
- downloading whole folders
- zip feature
- list all shared files or folders (easier to manage)
- simple text editor
- upload folders
- right click menu

OK I think this is overkill, but it would be great if some of these points would make it into a future release.

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Posted: 10 October 2014 at 2:50am | IP Logged Quote Alex


So maybe wouldnt hurt to automate it or some warning when theres an ICS "you can save this file and import into calendar", would be enough :))

The latest WebMail Pro has this feature.

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Posted: 18 October 2014 at 1:55pm | IP Logged Quote robertboyl

Thank you, Alex/Afterlogic!

All that is missing IMHO now would be to let users send invitations for events to other email addresses, imho, thats a neat feature even for mortal users that dont use aurora or advanced sharing, something of the day to day that imho could be in in webmail pro also.
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Posted: 28 October 2014 at 8:49pm | IP Logged Quote Franck4654


I haven't read all the suggestions, maybe someone had already asked it, but would you think, that it would be possible to add the ability to synchronize address book with a CardDav Server ?

Thank you for your work, and for your wonderful service.

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Posted: 29 October 2014 at 3:49am | IP Logged Quote Igor

Hi Franck,

I believe that suggestion was there indeed, but currently we can only support built-in DAV server, mainly because we work with it on database and API level, not just DAV protocol. Handling contacts via DAV protocol introduces performance issues - for example, if you need to search through contacts, you'll need to parse each and every record. If we find a reliable way to work around that problem, we can definitely add support for external DAV servers.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 09 November 2014 at 6:01pm | IP Logged Quote haihaads

thank you
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Posted: 17 November 2014 at 8:52am | IP Logged Quote mcoelho80

Suggestion: Users could choose the default font face and size for new messages.
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Posted: 30 December 2014 at 3:47am | IP Logged Quote jschinke1963

Dear Afterlogic Team,
In my former Webmail i was able to put a special message to the Logon Screen, just to inform the members about some Changes, etc..

Is it possible to add some kind of Message to the Logon Screen in the Future?
It should be added and changeable in the Adminpanel...

Thank you very much!
Jens Schinke
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Posted: 30 December 2014 at 4:12am | IP Logged Quote Igor

Currently, it can only be done by modifying the template file templates/views/Login/LoginViewModel.html. Aside from few special placeholders, it's just HTML so you should be able to add custom text there. Upon making changes there, it's important to purge anything under data/cache/ directory.

I don't think we'll be adding this in AdminPanel as configuration option, but most probably, this can be achieved by a plugin. Good thing about plugins is that, unlike skins and templates, they're not affected by upgrades. I'll check with the developers if implementing such plugin is actually possible.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 03 January 2015 at 2:32am | IP Logged Quote jschinke1963

Hi Igor,
A Plugin would be great! thank you...

I get a lot of SPAM Mails marked with ***SPAM*** is is possible lto add a feature who can put such Mails into Trash automatically?

Thats would be really helpful...

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Posted: 03 January 2015 at 2:52am | IP Logged Quote Igor

WebMail Pro already has support of filters implemented. They rely on Sieve functionality of mail server software, so specific mailserver needs to support that. Also, ManageSieve service must run on the system to let you use this functionality. A while back, I've posted a detailed walkthrough of this matter at this forum page.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 09 February 2015 at 7:31am | IP Logged Quote andryyy


Just to mention it: IMAP ACL support? :-)

I'm fine with it anyway, just bought a 100 users licence to support you guys.

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Posted: 19 March 2015 at 12:17am | IP Logged Quote Daniel

Wow... great information, yeah, I was also thinking that how could we avoid such SPAM or to be safe from spammers. Nice work, Thanks for sharing your Ideas with us ...
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Posted: 20 March 2015 at 12:38am | IP Logged Quote brainpaul

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Posted: 20 March 2015 at 12:39am | IP Logged Quote brainpaul


i think its good but if mailing should be as easy as chating could also result to grow faster and would be more user friendly.
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Posted: 30 March 2015 at 7:07am | IP Logged Quote impulse

A Login Activity Feature which records the locations and IP addresses of each sign-in of the account would be really great ?

Have you ever thought of that?
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