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Posted: 28 June 2013 at 4:23am | IP Logged Quote Igor

For now, product management team is inclined to believe that right-click menu doesn't really fit within current design of the product. That, however, might change in the future.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 08 July 2013 at 2:53pm | IP Logged Quote dalya

I am not sure if marking the message with a star is considered as flagging a message, but I would really love to see the introduction of "flagging" messages in Afterlogic. I like the idea of a red flag for me to mark messages as important or a need to follow up on them, even if you could change the colour of the email in the display to red or something so that you could easily identify this in a long list of emails.

I saw this function in roundcube and really made email management so much easier.

Apart from that i think this is a very good product. Awesome work afterlogic team!
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Posted: 08 July 2013 at 2:57pm | IP Logged Quote dalya

Also, the ability to import or export calendars would be really good :)
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Posted: 09 July 2013 at 12:55am | IP Logged Quote Igor

I am not sure if marking the message with a star is considered as flagging a message

That's flagging indeed, so if you mark a message that way and then access the IMAP account with another client, like Mozilla Thunderbird, you'll see it flagged.

Also, the ability to import or export calendars would be really good :)

We're currently working on special groupware edition of the product, and we're going to add those features there.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 15 September 2013 at 2:53pm | IP Logged Quote

Hi Igor,
Can you share little bit more information about this groupware edition?
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Posted: 16 September 2013 at 1:24am | IP Logged Quote Igor

It's planned for release this week, most probably it'll be out later today or tomorrow. In addition to features currently available in WebMail Pro, it'll have many groupware features, including but not limited to: sharing and publishing calendars, sending invitations, global address book, private & corporate file storage. We're going to release it in multiple formats, initially there will be two of them: webparts used along with existing mail server, and virtual machine containing full mailserver bundle.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 19 September 2013 at 12:46am | IP Logged Quote

I can't wait to see it, it might be a good alternative to the products that we consider at the moment: OX APP Suite, Sogo, Atmail
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Posted: 19 September 2013 at 1:15am | IP Logged Quote Igor

In fact, while there were no official release notification yet, the product is already out. It's called AfterLogic Aurora, and it's available as set of webparts for installing along with existing mail server, as well as virtual machine holding complete mailserver and webparts bundle; next week, we're going to release RPM package for that one.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 22 January 2014 at 3:36am | IP Logged Quote tinnit

Define multiple email-aliases within an email-account
- select one of the aliases as the default
- optional: verify that you own the email-alias to prevent abuse

Ability to select or change the 'From' when composing or replying, using the list of aliases to pick from.
-Webmail Pro automatically selects the 'From alias', based on the 'To emailadres', if not found the default alias is used.

With these options your incoming and outgoing flow becomes highly configurable when using multiple emailaccounts.
I would actually prefer this above the ability to add an aditional IMAP account, because then I could simply forward all the different emails to the one account that is managed by Webmail Pro.
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Posted: 22 January 2014 at 4:24am | IP Logged Quote Alex

Identities (multiple email-aliases) feature is under development now.

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Posted: 30 January 2014 at 7:40am | IP Logged Quote troutlet

^^ This is good news as I really want to move away from Squirrelmail but, email aliases are a feature I heavily rely on with that software.

The last paragraph from tinnit is exactly my required situation.
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Posted: 09 February 2014 at 7:38am | IP Logged Quote mesca

Here are the features I really would like to see implemented:

- Collapsible folders
- Plain text composing
- Auto BCC
- Keyboard shortcuts

Along with Identities, which I understand is under development.
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Posted: 10 February 2014 at 12:49am | IP Logged Quote Deep

Found few of basic things missing:

- Auto BCC
- Option to change Timezone under settings of every individual user
- Login form does not remember the information (Autocomplete is turned off + form information cannot be saved in the browser)
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Posted: 11 February 2014 at 7:30am | IP Logged Quote Igor

- Collapsible folders

This one is available in 7.2 we've just released.

Along with Identities, which I understand is under development.

And this one is available, too!

- Auto BCC

A bit later, we'll publish a plugin which would allow for sending BCC to a specific address for every mail sent from WebMail installation.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 17 March 2014 at 2:17am | IP Logged Quote agustin

Logs directory

It would be great to be able to set the logs directory to a different path than "data/logs", for instance, "/var/logs/webmail" and also it should has a config variable where the user sets this new path.Logs directory
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Posted: 17 March 2014 at 3:18am | IP Logged Quote Igor

It would be great to be able to set the logs directory to a different path than "data/logs", for instance, "/var/logs/webmail" and also it should has a config variable where the user sets this new path.

I have discussed this with the developers, and they don't see any problems with adding that kind of setting in the next release. Most likely, that's going to be an option added in data/settings/config.php file.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 19 March 2014 at 3:07am | IP Logged Quote agustin

Import contacts as .vcf files

Also, it would be great that users can import .vcf contact files. Many users export them contacts from Outlook and they want to import them in Webmail, but it only accepts .csv files, and most of them do not know how to convert from one format to the other.
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Posted: 19 March 2014 at 4:49am | IP Logged Quote agustin

To have more than one address book

It would be great if users can have more than 2 address book, one with users in LDAP and one address book with my own contacts stored in the DB. So that I can have more than 1 source for my contacts list.
Just like RoundCube does it.


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Posted: 03 April 2014 at 4:08am | IP Logged Quote marcele

Log failed logins to a log file

As far as I can tell there is currently no way to log failed logins to a log file in afterlogic. This is essential for integration of security products like fail2ban etc (You need to log the remote IP address and the account that was used). Other webmail products like Horde and Roundcube do this.
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Posted: 03 April 2014 at 4:55am | IP Logged Quote Igor

Log failed logins to a log file

As far as I can tell there is currently no way to log failed logins to a log file in afterlogic. This is essential for integration of security products like fail2ban etc (You need to log the remote IP address and the account that was used). Other webmail products like Horde and Roundcube do this.

Sounds like an interesting feature, plus it's quite simple to implement. Most likely, we'll do it as a plugin.

By the way, we've just published plugin for displaying CAPTCHA on login page, a popular way to prevent from automated login attempts.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 05 April 2014 at 6:37am | IP Logged Quote LordPakato

Could put support DROPBOX. Today is already a reality in all webmails file sharing through programs such as DropBox, OneDrive etc

Attachaments will become obsolete soon

Until the squirrelmail own support dropbox
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Posted: 12 April 2014 at 3:17pm | IP Logged Quote mcoelho80

Webmail could support both STORAGE and MESSAGE quota, and display usage progress bar using the biggest % between used space and total messages.

It's pretty easy to implement:

      * @return array|false
      * @throws \MailSo\Net\Exceptions\Exception
      * @throws \MailSo\Imap\Exceptions\Exception
     public function Quota()
          $aReturn = false;
          if ($this->IsSupported('QUOTA'))
               $this->SendRequest('GETQUOTAROOT "INBOX"');
               $aResult = $this->parseResponseWithValidation();

               $aReturn = array(0, 0);
               $oImapResponse = null;
               foreach ($aResult as /* @var $oImapResponse \MailSo\Imap\Response */ $oImapResponse)
                    if (\MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\ResponseType::UNTAGGED === $oImapResponse->ResponseType
                         && 'QUOTA' === $oImapResponse->StatusOrIndex
                         && is_array($oImapResponse->ResponseList)
                         && isset($oImapResponse->ResponseList[3])
                         && is_array($oImapResponse->ResponseList[3])
                         && 2 < count($oImapResponse->ResponseList[3])
                         && 'STORAGE' === strtoupper($oImapResponse->ResponseList[3][0])
                         && is_numeric($oImapResponse->ResponseList[3][1])
                         && is_numeric($oImapResponse->ResponseList[3][2])
                         $aReturn = array(
                              (int) $oImapResponse->ResponseList[3][1],
                              (int) $oImapResponse->ResponseList[3][2],
                         if (5 < count($oImapResponse->ResponseList[3])
                              && 'MESSAGE' === strtoupper($oImapResponse->ResponseList[3][3])
                              && is_numeric($oImapResponse->ResponseList[3][4])
                              && is_numeric($oImapResponse->ResponseList[3][5])
                              $aReturn[2] = (int) $oImapResponse->ResponseList[3][4];
                              $aReturn[3] = (int) $oImapResponse->ResponseList[3][5];

          return $aReturn;

From this point, we just have to change a few lines of app.js to calculate usage accordingly (now the array returned has 4 positions).

I'm afraid some IMAP servers may respond just with a MESSAGE quota, but even in that case it's possible to make webmail pro handle it correctly.

I just didn't implement it here because I want to keep my webmail source code almost the same as the original source.
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Posted: 14 April 2014 at 12:43am | IP Logged Quote Igor

mcoelho80, thanks for sharing that! I'll make sure the developers look into it, and if they find it feasible, this will be included into the product.

Follow-up: developers confirm they are including this into the regular version of the product. Thanks again!

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 14 April 2014 at 4:50am | IP Logged Quote mcoelho80

In order to not break anything with MailSo library, maybe we should create another function 'AdvancedQuota', and return all different types of quota available.

The array returned could be something like this:

    'STORAGE' => Array(<Kbytes in use>, <user quota in Kbytes>),
    'MESSAGE' => Array(<messages>, <user quota in messages>)


    'MESSAGE' => Array(<messages>, <user quota in messages>),
    'STORAGE' => Array(<Kbytes in use>, <user quota in Kbytes>)


    'STORAGE' => Array(<Kbytes in use>, <user quota in Kbytes>)


    'MESSAGE' => Array(<messages>, <user quota in messages>)

From this point, it's pretty easy to webmail display quota usage appropriately.
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Posted: 14 April 2014 at 2:42pm | IP Logged Quote mcoelho80

Igor wrote:
Follow-up: developers confirm they are including this into the regular version of the product.

Great to hear that!

Please note that I've posted some extra information about the possible results of IMAP QUOTA command (it could be STORAGE, STORAGE-MESSAGE, MESSAGE-STORAGE and MESSAGE).
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