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Posted: 18 February 2011 at 12:44am | IP Logged Quote leasingfunders

marci wrote:
Mjello there,

I though we could make a topic where people could write their ideas about the webmail, and maybe the AfterLogic team could comment on some of the features, whether they could be a possibility or not?

Some of the features I would like where:

RSS Reader:
You know, where you have Mail, Contacts and Calender perhaps there could be a RSS there too, so you could subscribe to rss feeds and get them directly to your webmail?

Again up besides those other (Contacts, Calendar) there could be one for notes, good to have your notes with you all the time.

Right-Click menu:
Well, to really make a good experience of using the webmail I think that a right-click menu would be good.. (Mentioned before, i know ;))

Mark replied mails:
Actually I though this little feature already was build in, but apparently not (Imap). But well if the messaged you have replied get marked in some way that would be cool.

Trash Function for Imap:
You know so deleted messages being moved to the folder trash instead of strike-out. (Think you're working on this, right?)

Very basic Spam filter for Imap:
Nothing big, just a Spam folder and then the user should be able to mark a specific mail as spam, and then the email address or something is saved in the database for each user, and when he receive the message another time it will automatically be moved to the spam folder

"RE:" fix:
If you reply an message it always puts an "RE:" in front, even if there already is a "RE:"? This is not optimal. We you have replied some times the subject is then "RE: RE: RE: RE: Subject" :/

"Date" fix:
I'm not sure whether this is only with me, or it's a bug, but no matter what the date column in the mail list always is en a 12-hour clock format (You know PM and AM). Where I come from you are using 24-hour clock. So if that date also could be in 24-hour format it would be nice.

Well it kinda annoying me, that in the calendar I can't write the precis time, only half hours. An half hour is much difference for an appointment! At least down so you can select every 5 minute, or as preferred you can select the precise time!
- Again, right-click menu is really needed here, in my opinion. - So you are able to right-click on a appointment and edit it, as in every other program.

Images of contacts:
Well, if it was possible to set a image for each contact it would give a good feeling too.

Rule fix for imap:
You know the problem, just to mention it ;)

I see you can mark emails as tasks, but that is also it. Maybe that function also could be expanded. (Another link beside Contacts and Calendar)

Well hope you AfterLogic could get some ideas of it, and make the Webmail Pro even better!

Best regards,
Jeppe Richardt

Thanks for the information. These are helpful.
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Posted: 17 October 2011 at 12:07pm | IP Logged Quote adolfo

Hi there,

I saw that one of my sugestions was already sugested, but, since there is no harm in doing a reinforcement on those sugestions, here it goes:

1 - I would VERY like the integration with Google Calendar, maybe even an integration based on domain or selected users, so I can make a single google account and use it to the selected users;

2 - Using todo list with a possibility of popup window to alert coming events;

3 - Possibility of separation of the user login from the pop3/imap password login;

4 - I really don't know if exists, but I would like to choose the server path to arquive the mail file, not the default one.

Thanks in advance, and congrats for the software.
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Posted: 18 October 2011 at 12:06am | IP Logged Quote Igor

Thanks for your suggestions!

We are currently in process of implementing CalDAV support, and considering this, new features will be added, there's a chance points 1 and 2 will be among those.

According to product manager, we don't plan to implement separate credentials for login and for mail server account. We believe this is going to make user experience more complicated compared to what we offer now.

As for point #4, I don't think I understand what exactly this is about. WebMail Pro accesses mail server via POP3/IMAP protocol. In case of POP3, only Inbox is available; for IMAP, the complete list of folders is fetched and it is available for users in full. And if IMAP server provides the namespace information (i.e. info about the location available for adding new IMAP folders), that information is used as well.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 08 December 2011 at 7:17am | IP Logged Quote hyperpac

I donīt want to start a new topic, so just one simple question. Is it possible to sort mails by "unread / read" in version 6 ?

Thx !!!
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Posted: 08 December 2011 at 7:30am | IP Logged Quote Alex

No, it's not possible.

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Posted: 08 December 2011 at 9:36am | IP Logged Quote hyperpac

Thx for the really fast answer

No dirty little workaround on that ? Or can you explain in a few words, whatīs the problem about it ?
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Posted: 08 December 2011 at 9:49am | IP Logged Quote Alex

We believe highlighting messages with bold is enough. AfterLogic strives to keep the number of features at the very minimum. So, if it's possible that certain function is not absolutely must for everyone (or the effect can be achieved by other means), this feature won't be there.

Customizations are possible, but only at your own risk or via contacting our Professional Services department.

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Posted: 31 December 2011 at 7:15pm | IP Logged Quote itsnka

Please sort the mail on the basis of their priority
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Posted: 19 January 2012 at 10:12pm | IP Logged Quote yon

Hope add emote in write mail.
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Posted: 21 January 2012 at 12:34am | IP Logged Quote kjmiami23

Hi AFterlogic,

I have been thinking about new features and these i think would be fantastic in your system.

1) A Chat Plugin like Gmail

2) More options in the settings panel

3) More Options in the Admin panel and better control over afterlogic pro as it grows

4) other options apart from iframe to integrate into other systems.

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Posted: 21 January 2012 at 12:17pm | IP Logged Quote kjmiami23

What can we expect in the next update and when will it be?

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Posted: 22 January 2012 at 3:37am | IP Logged Quote Igor

Developers are currently working on version 7 of WebMail Pro PHP, and the main feature expected there is CalDAV support, the calendar server will be shipped with WebMail Pro and the calendar itself is fully rewritten.

As for the points you have suggested, we are not planning to add more settings to adminpanel, most of the settings (rarely-used ones) were moved to configuration files and this approach is an intended one. As for user settings, the idea is different, almost every setting is configurable from it, aside from mail-related configuration when user is within configured domain - settings are just inherited there.

As for IFrame use, I can hardly see any other visual integration approach possible. WebMail Pro has quite a complex layout, and without IFrames used you will probably get a lot of WebMail Pro interface elements overlapped with elements of your own application. Of course, we're always open to substantial suggestions.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 22 January 2012 at 4:24am | IP Logged Quote kjmiami23


What about a chat plugin like gmail, i think that is a must which alot of people would like to see as most webmail clients are starting to include this. what do you think?

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Posted: 22 January 2012 at 4:26am | IP Logged Quote kjmiami23

When will version 7 be released?.....that should be a exciting one.
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Posted: 22 January 2012 at 4:35am | IP Logged Quote Igor

The suggestions posted here are reviewed by product management team, and some of those are implemented in the product if that's found to be feasible. I hope you don't expect an immediate response

As for release date, it's not determined yet. The development is currently in progress, and being realistic, I think we're speaking of several weeks here, maybe even a couple of months.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 22 January 2012 at 4:48am | IP Logged Quote kjmiami23

i dont mean to be pressurising or anything just i have been using atmail 6.3.5 and the system is great but worst experience ever with them, so hence me being careful with choosing my next webmail system. thats why i ask so many questions about the product to see if there is further development etc....

looking for more long term than short term.

amazing product though

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Posted: 09 February 2012 at 1:58am | IP Logged Quote kjmiami23


I have some more suggestions that i think would be good are:

1) A stats system where u can view emails which have been sent, received, similar to the admin.

2) What about a archiving system where u can crete some kind of vault which backs up all your emails in one place under webmail pro similar to atmail but have it as a plugin that would be very cool. It would be easy to back trace emails on the go aswell. ***THIS IS A MUST IN MY OPINION***

Thats all i have at the moment.

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Posted: 09 February 2012 at 2:02am | IP Logged Quote Igor

We do plan the archiving feature. In our opinion, however, that should be done on mail server end, so this approach will not work for standalone WebMail Pro and would be MailSuite Pro feature.

Pretty much the same applies to mail stats, and in Atmail case that is provided on mailserver level as well. With WebMail Pro which accesses random accounts via POP3 or IMAP, that doesn't sound feasible.

Igor, AfterLogic Support
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Posted: 09 April 2012 at 8:25am | IP Logged Quote adolfo

HI. I know I've already asked, but here some features I was wondering about:

1 - Possible sync job with google calendar (or other online calendar via caldav). I talking about webmail pro goes to google calendar and sync stuff, not the other way around.

2 - Possible integration of calendar with other users, like, on my user I can create a calendar with sharing options to all the users within my area, of course I would have to enter all their emails (or user account names) and they should accept this invitation.

Thanks in advance.
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Posted: 04 May 2012 at 6:20am | IP Logged Quote bdagnelie


Here comes some suggestions...

1. Support for Daylight Saving Time (DST)

2. In calendar: search for events

3. In calendar: year view

4. In calendar: events list view

Thanks. Keep up the good work!
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Posted: 15 May 2012 at 11:10am | IP Logged Quote addvilz

A list of external mail accounts in sidebar with number of unread messages would be extremely useful and quite easy to make.
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Posted: 15 May 2012 at 11:18am | IP Logged Quote Alex

It's not possible with separate accounts because it would require to recheck all of them quite often (and this is very heavy operation). However, we'll be soon changing our concept of multiple accounts per domain to email fetch approach where email from other accounts is fetched into your primary IMAP account. Besides other advantages, this will enable what you need.

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Posted: 03 June 2012 at 8:47am | IP Logged Quote dipta

forget password,alter net email
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Posted: 09 August 2012 at 2:01pm | IP Logged Quote yon

Hope add Sender Verification Anti-Phishing

Protects you from phishing attacks by verifying the From: address domain name of emails as you read them. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DNS-based reputation lists are used.

that reports, when possible, whether the sender shown in the From: header was actually the sender of the email. In fact, forging the From: address is possible! This is intended to be a tool to identify phishing attacks, fraudulent emails asking for your sensitive data, so that you don't fall prey. The extension uses Sender Policy Framework (SPF) (albeit in a nonstandard way) to verify the sending domain and SURBL, Spamhaus, DNSWL, and SenderScoreCertified for reputation information on the domain.
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Posted: 31 August 2012 at 8:34pm | IP Logged Quote zhengss611

If the administrator or even maybe the user could be able to make their own tabs?

- Actually that wouldn't require much, you could just make it with an iframe?
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